Visit to Jungle Jack’s

If you have the plumeria addiction you have certainly heard of Jungle Jack’s plumeria. Jungle Jack’s Plumeria is a family run grower of Thai Plumeria that offers hybrid cultivars from their growing grounds in Northern Thailand.

You don’t have to fly all the way to Thailand however to view the thousands of plumeria trees grown by Jungle Jack’s Plumeria. Plumeria enthusiasts that live in Southern CA can easily visit their Plumeria Nursery located just north of San Diego in Vista, California.

Thousands of Plumeria Trees growing in one of the many Jungle Jack’s Plumeria Greenhouses.

For plumeria collectors like myself from the San Francisco Bay Area however, it is a bit of a journey but one that is well worth it, nonetheless. For this trip I decided to fly which meant that I had to be at the airport at 5AM, pick up a truck in San Diego at 9AM and head up to Vista as quickly as possible. For those making this journey, it is best to get there early as possible because you will be overwhelmed.

Southwest Flight to San Diego for a Jungle Jack’s Plumeria Visit.

There are acres of greenhouses and and a sea of plumeria to wade through. Any plant addict knows how much time we will spend at a local nursery, now imagine what it is like at a speciality nursery that grows thousands of your favorite tropical plants. What may seem like minutes will turn into hours walking along the endless rows of plumeria plants throughout all of Jungle Jack’s plumeria greenhouses. I need to mention that it also gets very warm inside the greenhouses, so bring water so you can stay hydrated while you are hunting down plumeria on your wish-list. So if you are near vista and you are a plumeria collector, Jungle Jack’s is a must see. Happy Hunting!

Which one of your friends would like to see thousands of Plumeria?

Plumeria Protectors