How to prepare tropical hibiscus seeds for planting.

There comes a time in every hibiscus collector’s journey where they want to grow Tropical Hibiscus from seed. Finding reputable hibiscus hybridizers that have seeds available for sale is sometimes a challenge, and if you do find some seeds for sale… what do you do to prepare the seeds to be planted?

How to prepare tropical hibiscus seeds for planting.

Steps to Preparing Tropical Hibiscus Seed for planting.

  • Identify the rounded part of the seed.

  • Slice a sliver of the rounded seed coat with a sharp blade or sandpaper to expose the seed.

  • Ensure you are cutting the rounded part, not the pointed part or you will ruin the seed.

  • If you see the white part of the seed, then it can be planted. If the seed is hollow, it is not viable.

  • Remove just enough of the hard seed coating so water can get to the seed.

  • Plant the seed in your seedling growing media, then water it lightly. (I like to use a fine mist)

  • Plant somewhere warm, I like to use a seedling heatmat.

  • The seeds should start sprouting within 7-10 days.


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